On Oct. 12-13, 2015, plenary meeting of International Electrotechnical Commission / Technical Committee 51 (hereinafter refer to as IEC/TCI51) was successfully held in Shenzhen, China. It attracted about industry 30 experts around the world.
IEC/TC 51 was launched in 1958. TC 51 scope is to prepare standards relating to parts and components displaying magnetic properties and intended for electronics in a wide range of application areas, including telecommunications, computers, automotive, audio, video, lighting, solar and wind power systems, welding, inductive heating, power conditioning (UPS) and RFID.
It has three active working groups, which are WG 1, WG9 and WG10EMC. WG 1 is about Ferrites and Powder Cores, WG9 is about Inductive Components and WG EMC is about Magnetic Materials and Devices for EMC Applications.
The meeting was anchored by the chairman of IEC/TC51 Matthew Wilkowski (USA) and secretary general Takeshi Abe (Japan). Takeshi Abe made a report to deliver 2015 TC 51 working results to the meeting members. And it was agreed that the subject of TC 51 was changed from “Magnetic components and ferrite materials” to “Magnetic components and Soft Magnetic Materials”.
Up to now, the field of magnetic powder cores in the IEC International Standard System is in a blank state. At this meeting, Mrs Cui Ying from China Electronics Standardization Institute represented Chinese expert group to put forward the magnetic powder cores standardization system conception and magnetic powder cores classification standardization framework. It was an international proposal about magnetic powder cores which was mainly dominated by NBTM KEDA, and also brought together Chinese experts’ wisdom and techniques. This proposal received widespread support from the participating experts, and furthermore, it lays a foundation for the development of magnetic powder cores in the near future.
General Manager of NBTM KEDA Mr Ke, Technical Engineer Mr Zhang attended in this plenary meeting. It is reported that 2016 plenary meeting of IEC/TC51 will be hold from Nov. 7-8 next year in Munich, Germany.